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Week 4 Essay Prompt

Week 4 Essay Prompt

Q Response Essay #1 Prompt: The definition of crime is not static—instead it changes across time and place. As such, some behaviors that are legal today were considered to be illegal in the not so distant past. Similarly, some behaviors that are illegal in the United States are legal in other countries and vice versa. First, define and discuss at least two competing definitions of crime. Second, identify a behavior that was once criminalized in the United States but is now legal and provide a brief history of its criminalization and decriminalization. your essay should only be 1 to 2 page long . Due date September 30, 2020 1 RESPONSE ESSAY 1

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This essay paper focuses on the competing definition of Crime that demonstrates the static nature of Crime as the nature of crime changes as per time and the places. This paper establishes some of the complex interrelationships around which the Crime is constructed. Definitions of Crime The Oxford English Dictionary defines Crime as" an act punishable by law or an act that is injurious to public welfare" ("The meaning of crime: View as single page", 2020). This definition also put forward a lot of questions that include all the acts to be covered in law prove to be injurious to public welfare. On the other hand, the definition demonstrates the two different ways of thinking about Crime.